About this blog

This is my blog on the arts scene of Carrboro, Chapel Hill and surrounding Triangle communities. I'll focus on visual arts and the 2ndFriday Artwalk and other visual art events but that doesn't mean I won't chat about music, literary events, film or anything else in the local creative world. Please email with ideas, links, comments or brickbats. [I have comment moderation on so if you don't see your comment right away that means that I haven't had a chance to approve it yet. Sorry, but the spammers.....]

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Big news about the 2013 Carrboro Film Fest Nov 23-24, 2013

From Nic Berry, co-creator, along with Jackie Helvey, of the Carrboro Film Festval:

I want to let you know that this year we have some pretty major changes to the festival and to let you know that because you have submitted in the past, this year, every film you submit will be free!  That's right, no submission fee for you.  Just write the magic word in the waiver section of the submission form, which is…INCREDIBLE.

Go here to submit - https://secure.jotformpro.com/form/31832888047968 and go here for submission rules - http://carrborofilmfestival.com/submit13.shtml

Now, about those big changes our festival has made:

  1. The Carrboro Film Festival now accepts films of any length, from one second to three hours.
  2. The Carrboro Film Festival is now a two day fest, with more films, more parties and free workshops
  3. The Carrboro Film Festival only accepts online submissions now.  No more mailing us a VHS or DVD. (We accept online screeners with or without passwords on youtube or vimeo)
  4. The Carrboro Film Festival will now be held at our original location, The Century Center AND The Artscenter a few blocks down the road.
  5. If your film is accepted, we will request a h.264 Quicktime, highest resolution you have.
  6. And oh yes, The Carrboro Film Festival now accepts film from ANYWHERE.  We are now international. We will still be North Carolina-centric,  but we want to share films that are Independent, Edgy and Incredible from the world over.
  7. Submissions of any length are only ten bucks. (But again, if you submitted in the past, you are free)
  8. This year, we have teamed up with Our State Magazine for a special short Documentary competition. If you have a doc about NC, visit http://www.ourstate.com/documentary-film-contest/ for full details. 

We hope to see your film(s) and look forward to seeing you November 23-24, 2013 in Carrboro, NC!

Cheers, Nic