The local fishwrap has two articles this week of interest to the creative community.
first describes a youth poetry slam group, the
Sacrificial Poets, and their trip this week to the
12th annual Brave New Voices International Poetry Slam Festival in Chicago. The young poets talk about what words have meant to them and how they've enriched their lives. They've seen tragedy too young -- one of the founders of the group, Irina Yarmolenko, was brutally and senselessly murdered last year. The group was renamed Sacrificial Poets to honor her but you'll have to read the story to learn why.
At the other end of the age scale is the
story of Betsy Harris who goes to local music shows and -- well here's the gist of it:
Revealing only that she's in her "fifties" and graduated from UNC in 1973, Harris is old enough to be the musicians' mother. Instead, she's their friend, recording their art for posterity. Harris is Chapel Hill's superfan, attending two or three shows a night, five to six nights a week. Since retiring in 2003 after 30 years in the human resources department at Chapel Hill Town Hall, Harris has snapped hundreds of thousands of photos, wearing out a dozen cameras.
[Okay, she's not at the "other end of the age scale" -- she's about my age. ;-) So let's say the poets are April and we're July.]
Go check out her
Myspace page where she goes by
Temples of Grey. Not only does she have tons of vids and music, but she also has a damn comprehensive list of local shows.
Find her photos
here and vids
here. Check 'em out.