About this blog

This is my blog on the arts scene of Carrboro, Chapel Hill and surrounding Triangle communities. I'll focus on visual arts and the 2ndFriday Artwalk and other visual art events but that doesn't mean I won't chat about music, literary events, film or anything else in the local creative world. Please email with ideas, links, comments or brickbats. [I have comment moderation on so if you don't see your comment right away that means that I haven't had a chance to approve it yet. Sorry, but the spammers.....]

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Karen's new show at Johnny's Gone Fishing

Two good things have happened lately in Carrboro. First, some wonderful people have taken over Johnny's at 901 W. Main Street, Carrboro. They've got local foods, good coffee, various local crafts and great bread from Bread & Butter, the new bakery/coffee shop at 503 W. Rosemary in Chapel Hill. Oh, I forgot the tamales and various food trucks such as the return of the crepes.

They're also supporting local artists and will be open during the 2nd Friday ArtWalk. The new Johnny's (actually Johnny's Gone Fishing) has a great vibe and really needs community support. If you are a Facebooker go on over and like their group page.

My partner Karen Stone is one of the local artists that Johnny's is supporting. She has a number of beautifully framed photos, many from a recent trip to Savannah to visit her lovely daughter Leah. Go on by, get a cup of joe, chat with the inevitable neighbors hanging out and take a look. Here are two samples.

Pink Anemone, 11 x 14 in 16 x 19 frame

DeSoto St, 11 x 14 in 16 x 19 frame

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