About this blog

This is my blog on the arts scene of Carrboro, Chapel Hill and surrounding Triangle communities. I'll focus on visual arts and the 2ndFriday Artwalk and other visual art events but that doesn't mean I won't chat about music, literary events, film or anything else in the local creative world. Please email with ideas, links, comments or brickbats. [I have comment moderation on so if you don't see your comment right away that means that I haven't had a chance to approve it yet. Sorry, but the spammers.....]

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Great opportunity for emerging poets!

North Carolina Poetry Society
The North Carolina Poetry Society announces the seventh year of the Gilbert–Chappell Distinguished Poet Series (GCDPS). In this series, poets in middle school, high school and college as well as adults are invited to apply to be mentored by a Distinguished Poet (DP) in eastern, central or western North Carolina. Three DPs will mentor four student poets each. GCDPS student poets will work with DPs for four to six months on a dozen pages of their original poetry and then read at a regional college or university with other student poets and their mentor in April 2010.

Deadline: November 1
For more information: Visit www.ncpoetrysociety.org or contact Bill Blackley at wjblackley@gmail.com or (336) 835-4630.

Gratuitous self promotion of an oil pastel of mine of the poet and overall bon vivant Jean Cocteau.

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